This has not been my year. I’ve probably had worse, but I wouldn’t choose to relive this one anytime soon. I had a hard time feeling motivated to write this blog this year while I wasn’t in the most positive mind frame. I struggled all year with trying to find employment, taking contract jobs that were incredibly frustrating or downright exhausting. I went through a 7-month interview process with a company that had a job opening which inspired and excited me and made me believe I was worth more than anyone had ever paid me, but then they decided to make the job an office job ina city far away from my home instead of the remote job I had applied for months earlier. I felt broken, led on, and teased with a brighter future and higher income, and when it didn’t happen I felt hopeless in my job search. I invest too much of my personal self-worth in my career. I honestly knew I shouldn’t be pursuing corporate marketing jobs anymore because I can feel that my time in that life is at an end. I knew what I wanted to do, but I kept pursuing the “safe choice” of working for someone else.
I’ve known that I want to be a full-time life coach for at least 7 years if not more. I started this blog so I could start believing in myself and connecting with others. When I visualize my life in 3 years as a life coach vs a corporate marketing manager, there is no comparison. I couldn’t see any future at all when I think about marketing, but I would feel alive when I considered all the things that I could do as a life coach. Waking up every day knowing that I could help someone find ways to improve their life is what I was born to do. I came to this realization only after hitting bottom emotionally when I didn’t get the “dream job” offer, and of course, it was a few days after the enrollment for the coaching school I wanted to attend had closed. I just kept wishing I had taken action earlier and trusted myself; I couldn’t bear the thought of waiting for 6 mos to a year for enrollment to re-open for the next class… and then I saw an ad, this school had decided to re-open enrollment for a fast-track class, something they had never done before. I knew it was a sign. It was there saying – here you go, you didn’t miss your chance, it’s time to take action! So I did.

I start certification classes in January. I finally had the courage to just go for it and change my life. I’m so ready. I can’t wait to help people. I can’t wait to create my own value instead of letting an HR department determine my monetary value. I’ve applied to at least 100 jobs over the last 18 months, and none of them saw my value, and clearly, I had a hard time seeing it myself as well. I’m taking control of my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions from now on. I’m going to learn how to teach you to do the same. It’s time to turn this dream into a reality, and this certification will give me the tools I need to feel confident in coaching others and making good money doing it.
I hope some of you will be my first practice clients as I start my training next year. And I hope some of you might even turn into paying clients at some point in the future! I will continue to share my thoughts and insights in this blog, so come along on this journey with me!
Is there an action you’ve thought about taking for a long time? Maybe it’s a bucket list wish. Maybe it’s changing careers. Maybe it’s leaving a situation that doesn’t inspire you anymore. I can tell you that while it’s scary to be doing something different, it will be worse not taking action and regretting it. The greatest regret people state on their death bed is that they wish they’d had the courage to live a life true to themselves. Are you living your truth? You know when it’s time for a change. What action can you take today to get a little closer to living an authentic life?