You are only a few thoughts away from the life of your dreams.
I've chosen to get my certification through Brooke Castillo's The Life Coach School. While certification isn't required to be a life coach, I love the structure of her coaching method called The Model. Whatever you are struggling with can be put into the Model. Using the Model will show you how your thoughts create your feelings and your actions and results come from those feelings. So by changing your thoughts, you can change your life.
Coaching isn't a form of therapy. Mental health issues should always be addressed by a medical professional. Coaching can help you overcome limiting beliefs, work through emotions, take action toward a goal, and shift your thinking to align with the life that you desire. Learning to control your thoughts and allow emotions is a game-changer. You will gain the tools that set you up for success in all areas of your life. Even if you feel like your life is good now, life coaching can take you to a new level of greatness that you didn't know existed. The tools of coaching are the secret to manifesting the life of your dreams. You are only limited by your own thinking!