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Writer's pictureColleen Altschul

Cancel Culture

If you don’t like or agree with something, just cancel it out of your life. While I’m not buying into the whole social media flurry of cancel culture by attacking someone or something I disagree with, I do think more of us need to stand up and be authentic and cut out the influences and false limitations that no longer align with our path of growth. This could mean cutting out friends that don’t lift you up, giving up negative behaviors, and limiting the influencers in your life. It’s time to take a step back and see what you are allowing into your life and the effects it is having on your pursuit of happiness.

Let’s start with liming beliefs- “I’m too old to do that,” “my family wouldn’t like if I did this,” “there’s no way I could achieve that,” “it would take too long,” “I’m not smart enough to do that,”  “I don’t deserve that,” “it would cost too much” – any of those sound familiar? What if we started to believe in the unbelievable? There are plenty of examples of people who did things that are unbelievable – bodybuilders in their 70s, entrepreneurs in their teens or 8os, Down Syndrome models, marathon runners after losing both legs, and on and on. Now more than ever it’s completely possible to achieve any dream that you have! The first step is always to change your mindset to believe that it CAN happen. If you don’t take the first step of canceling out the belief in the limitations, then you might as well not take the second step. I recently read Marie Forleo’s book, Everything is Figureoutable, and it really drives home the idea of setting your mind right before taking on any new project or goal. So, limiting beliefs- CANCELLED!

Now on to the people who have a role in your life – Are they encouraging you? Lifting you up? Giving as much as they are taking from you? On a positive life track themselves? Are they peaceful or dramatic? Are they celebrating your wins or waiting for you to fail? Are they encouraging you or preaching to you? From family, to coworkers, to friends, to people of your faith if you choose to partake in religion, to the accounts you follow on social media, are the people that are influencing your life creating a positive vibration or a negative one? Do their comments and posts lift you up? Do they inspire you or make you feel like you will never succeed? Sometimes canceling out the people in our lives can be the hardest part, especially if it’s a family member or friend. Just because you have been friends with someone for even decades, doesn’t mean they deserve a space in your life now if they are not contributing something positive to it. If calling your mother fewer times a week makes you happier, then maybe that’s what needs to happen. If following that perfect celebrity on social media makes you feel ugly or unaccomplished, then it’s time to unfollow them . If your friends aren’t learning and growing and achieving their dreams, then how can they be there to encourage you to do so? It’s time to cancel out those relationships that feel like a burden or bring you down. Spend a week or a month or more away from someone and see how you feel. Negative relationships – YOU’RE CANCELLED TOO!

Finally, let’s look at your habits and possible negative influences – politics, drama, gossip, overeating, laziness, underachieving, etc. Take a few days and track how much time you spend doing things. How many hours are you on social media? How many hours are you actively engaged by talking to other people in person or on the phone? How much time do you spend learning or creating? How much time goes to your family and caring for them and maintaining a household? How many hours are spent doing positive things for your health- cooking, meditating, exercising? You’ll probably be shocked to find out how much time you are really spending on things. Each of us will find our own balance, but hopefully the positive influences outweigh the negative ones. If not, find ways to change that balance back over to more positive habits. So finally negative habits – YOU’RE UNFOLLOWED!

Let’s be brave enough to cancel out the negative influences, people, and beliefs in our life. Eliminating those will make room for a bigger and brighter future.

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