Growth is uncomfortable. I remember when my daughter was younger she would say her bones ached because they were literally growing each day. Well, growing pains apply to when we grow spiritually and emotionally as well. Think of a time when you were exposed to a radically new idea or situation and it took you a while to get used to it. These can be changes in life situations like death, divorce, moving, change of job, etc. or they could just be new ideas like meeting people of other cultures or lifestyles. It can feel very uncomfortable adjusting to a new way of thinking.
Over time we grow to meet this new state of being. Our bone growth slows as we get older, we get used to someone not being around us, new ideas become an accepted way of life, and what was once painful becomes the status quo. Just like our childhood bodies must grow to allow us to mature, so too do our thoughts and beliefs. We outgrow old ways of thinking and believing in our journey to become the best version of ourselves. As a baby, if something disappeared, you believed it was gone forever. As a teenager, you thought that first love was the only love you would ever have. As an adult, you can get stuck believing that growth is no longer possible. It’s never too late to keep growing. There are parts of your body that never stop growing, and your cells are constantly replacing themselves, so why should we believe that we can’t keep growing emotionally and spiritually as well?
Physical growth is often automatic. We don’t have to put any effort into making our bones grow; it’s going to happen without our conscious action. Sometimes we are forced into emotional growth as well when situations beyond our control affect our lives. But emotional and spiritual growth often requires intention and action on our part in order to expand in a positive direction. Just like your muscles will atrophy if you don’t use them, so too will your thoughts and emotions shrink if you don’t make an effort to expand them. I have seen older people give up on learning or trying new things. They settle in and just accept that they’ve done enough. Honestly, people can get stuck anywhere along the path, especially if they experience trauma which can cause their thoughts to get stuck in a spiral, much like a broken bone can cause growth to be stunted or misaligned if not reset. Without effort, it’s easy to get stuck in a very narrow state of belief.
Never stop growing and learning even if it’s uncomfortable. They say ignorance is bliss, but I can tell you that enlightenment feels really good as well. Question your limiting beliefs, be open to new ideas and people, and always keep learning! It’s so easy to learn with all the access we have at our fingertips. Pick a new hobby, try a new type of cuisine, take a trip, meet someone new, or find a topic to research. When you open your mind to new possibilities you can grow and expand just like the flower bud opening to the light. Let me know what you are currently learning or opening up to!