You have absolutely nothing to lose by choosing to believe that 2021 will be a great year. Yeah, nothing is likely to immediately change. Yes, life is going to continue to be very different from pre-pandemic life. True, there may be limitations to the things we can do and places we can go, but I for one am tired of just focusing on limitation. I am ready to start believing that great things are to come. I am ready to create a new feeling of optimism, because I know my thoughts will attract things. I can choose hope over worry. I can choose optimism over fear. I have the power to control my thoughts and emotions. I’m ready to make the change right now. Are you with me?
It’s become a little to easy to talk about the bad. It’s been a little too familiar to start conversations with everything that has gone wrong. It’s the running joke to assume that things will just continue to get worse. There is always something going wrong, but there is also something going right at the same time. This year has changed you. You learned things. You learned to deal with uncertainty. You probably learned a little more about video conferencing. You learned to adapt. You had to slow down and change your life. You are different now. Are you focusing on the changes you define as bad, or are you looking for the good changes?
Our brains are wired to remember the bad more than the good. Our survival skills keep us on the lookout for threats. Let’s not end the year remembering only the challenges. but let’s also take time to celebrate the good as well. Go through your calendar and your photos and look for all the good this past year. It’s easy for me to be upset about losing a job that I loved or canceling some amazing trips, but I can appreciate all the time I had with my family as well. I am much more grounded now than I was at the beginning of the year. I’ve had the time to stop and find out that some of the things I thought I would do when I had the time were not really things that I wanted to do. I discovered that I actually really enjoy doing things like working around the farm and cooking when I have the time to do them. This year gave us perspective. It’s our choice to decide how we will remember it. Do you choose to remember the good or that bad?
You, right now, get to choose how you enter the new year. Are you going to be full of optimism and ready to look for the good? You have nothing to lose. You can’t control what will happen in the coming year, but you get to choose if you are committed to attracting and looking for the good. Why would you choose to keep waiting for the next bad news or tragedy which is bound to show up on the evening news? The right perspective will ensure that you are not missing the good to be found in any situation. There is still a lot of good in the world, you just have to welcome it into your life. Pop a bottle of something, and let’s cheers to a great new year! There’s no better time than right now to choose the good!