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Breaking the Silence

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

Your voice has power. It might be uncomfortable to speak up about things, but sometimes staying silent just allows a problem to persist. It’s a time of unrest in America. This uprising is long overdue. It’s not easy to watch video after video of violence against other humans. It’s not easy to hear story after story of abuse, prejudice, and racism that has run rampant in this country for centuries. Discomfort brings about change. That little pebble in your sock that you have ignored has been worn down to a sharp point now as you just kept walking and ignoring it each time you noticed it. It was easy to stay silent as others spoke out. It was easy to just wait for the unrest to die down. It was easy to not say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing. But it’s our voices that will bring change.

Everyone and I do mean everyone, now has a chance to speak up and say, I demand change. If you don’t know what to say or are still trying to change yourself, share the words of someone you admire. Especially for those who may have a less than diverse family or circle of friends, this is the best time for you to speak up. As more and more people let their voices be heard, it empowers others to feel safe enough to say something as well. It’s through our voices that we let others know they are not alone. It’s through our voices that we show others a new viewpoint that they may not have been exposed to. It’s through our voices that we let others know that we will no longer tolerate their racism and ignorant thoughts. You may lose some friends. But who do you want to be surrounded by? If you lose a friend, it just makes room for a new friend to come into your life.

You might make mistakes when you speak out. You might get corrected and that’s how you learn. Take time to listen before you speak. Educate yourself on the reality of privilege and systematic racism. I’ve learned so much over the last two weeks from people who have spoken out. I’m here. I’m listening. I’m learning what to say. I’m using my voice to say I stand with all who are fighting for justice. I can no longer sit back and be quiet to avoid conflict. None of us move ahead when we hold others back. We are all in this world together, and we are only as strong as our weakest people. Take a deep look at where you can change. Where can you be an ally? Where can you learn more? Where can you speak up?

Let’s be grateful for this time of change. Good can come out of tragedy and conflict if we use it for inspiration. Use your voice to lift up the voices that are often ignored or pushed aside. Our human race ties all of us together and what hurts one hurts all of us. United we stand, divided we fall. We are one. Find your power by speaking out. People need to hear your voice. Need help finding the courage to say something? You don’t have to scream, even a whisper will help. Reach out and I’ll be here to hold your hand virtually as you find your voice no matter how quiet or small it might start out. I love you all.

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