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The Reason for the Season

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

Oh, the holidays are upon us again! That’s right, for most people the excitement of the season is balanced with stress and expectation and probably a sprinkling of time spent around people who test our positive vibrations. I’m just going to start out by saying that I’ve pretty much given up on most forms of traditional holiday celebrations, and it’s just absolutely wonderful for me. I know not everyone will want to make the choices I’ve made, but I can tell you that at the end of the holiday season I feel rested, happy, and ready to start the new year.

While many tie their celebrations to religious beliefs, it’s just as easy to argue that at least in the US, consumerism and social expectation play a far larger role in the season. I don’t want to argue the case, but I want to challenge you all to take a look at how you choose to celebrate or spend your time around the holidays. Do you feel like you “have to” do certain things to make other people happy? Is there an expectation of what you “should do” at the family gatherings? Do you have a sense of dread about things you “must do” to fit into societal expectations? Are you spending your time around people that lift you up or bring you down? Are you choosing activities that feel fun and inspirational or do you just go along with what everyone else does even if you don’t enjoy it?

This season brings us time off from work and school. It often provides an opportunity to see family and friends that we don’t often see throughout the year. This is a precious thing to have time available outside of our normal go, go, go routines. Look at how you are spending this precious time. Maybe there are some new traditions you’d like to start. Maybe you choose to spend some time alone or with just a few friends this year. Just remember that you have the power to choose how to spend your holiday. If the family gift exchange isn’t your cup of tea, offer to abstain this year- you might find out that many other people don’t like participating in it either. Maybe instead of store-bought gifts, your family chooses to offer up a service to help each other, like babysitting a nephew or helping someone paint a room. Or even better, maybe the whole family decides to volunteer somewhere over the holidays or buy gifts for a family in need.

Don’t let the season bring you down with worries and stress over gift budgets and surviving conversations with relatives that generally just piss you off. Find ways to make the holidays reflect what they were meant to signify- a new beginning, overcoming adversity, coming together, and spreading joy to all. Can you find ways to have your celebrations uplift your spirits and the spirits of those around you? Even if you can’t make any big changes this year, maybe you can just avoid some of the things that cause you the most strife. And even if you get stuck in a few situations that make you uncomfortable or upset, balance those out with some personal time for reflection and actions that bring you joy.

Find your own reasons to enjoy the season, and look for ways to inspire others through your actions and words. Limit your time around the energy vampires, suggest new ways to celebrate that more closely align with your values, and fill yourself with so much happiness that those around you are naturally lifted up by your presence. You can’t change the people around you, but when you change yourself, the world around you changes to match your vibration.

Happy holidays, and may you find thousands of things to be grateful for this holiday season.

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