Each moment, you are making choices which are contributing to your quality of life. Are you choosing to live, or are you choosing to die? Yeah, that sounds heavy, and it is!
Yesterday was my birthday. It’s always a time of deep reflection. This year, I’ve decided to really start living! I’ve been on a great path of health and fitness this past year. I’m now healthier than I ever imagined being at this age. I sometimes feel as if I’m actually looking younger each year because I’m taking the time to eat right, exercise, take supplements, get plenty of sleep, feel gratitude, spend time in nature, and love myself. But there is always room for improvement! So what goal am I setting for myself this year?
As I write this, I know I’m currently still terrified to truly pursue my dreams. I know I fear change, and to pursue true fulfillment in life, I’m going to have to make some changes. I’m not doing the things every day that I know will bring me joy. I’m not connecting enough to other people. I’m not using my talents to help others. I’m not taking the time to meditate and connect with my higher purpose. I want to bring absolute joy into my life on a regular basis! I want to really be living each and every day, instead of just filling time before I die.
My first step is to truly define my mission statement, my purpose in life. I have a pretty good idea of what it will be, but it needs to be put in writing. Then I plan to look at my life and see what fits into that and what needs to be eliminated. Llamas, exercise, dogs, my family, and writing this blog all fit; they make me feel alive! Watching tv, most social media, worry, self-doubt, and clutter all need to go; they distract me from my purpose and waste my time that could be spent living!
These changes are going to be hard. Just like starting a new exercise habit, learning to turn off the tv or close Facebook is going to feel uncomfortable at first. I’m used to those distractions. I use them to soothe myself when I’m stressed or don’t want to do other things. But they don’t make me feel alive. I don’t come away from Facebook with a positive feeling, so why am I spending time there. I like to stay connected to people, but I can be on there much less. I don’t need to start my morning watching Housewives backstab each other while wearing too much makeup and jewelry, that doesn’t make me feel alive. What if instead, I used that time to meditate, find new recipes for healthy meals, or read blogs and books that uplift me? What would happen if I shift more of my time to living?
There is one large area of my life that has been bringing me down for a long time. I have not been taking action towards starting a new business. Now that I’m older there is so much more worry about money and lifestyle changes. I’ve been paralyzed to make any moves towards it. I believe in my idea. I’ve received only positive feedback from those that I have shared it with. It’s something that will have a positive impact on people. It will make me feel alive. It will make others feel alive. It needs to exist in the world. So I need to shift every bit of time I have to make it happen. I’m scared; I might have to take baby steps. But if I don’t take any action, I feel like I’m dying instead of living. The Universe is supporting me. It’s aligning me with the people I need to make it happen. I cannot go another year and not feel a true passion for my work.
In order to reach this goal, I am planning to throw so much confidence and positivity towards it that it has no choice but to manifest in this world. I need to be buzzing full of energy as much as I can. It’s time to throw out the thoughts of “I think I can,” and replace them with the announcements of “I know I can!”
We all deserve a life in which we feel happy, and fulfilled, and connected to all. How are your choices making you feel? Take time to start looking and asking – is this bringing me joy? If it’s not, then it might be time to start reflecting and making new choices. Are you living, or are you dying? It’s gonna be hard to change the world if you aren’t living.