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Stealing Time

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

“I’m totally going to do that when I have more time.” “I’d love to, but I’m just so busy.” “I want to (fill in the blank), but I just can’t find the time.”

Well, it’s time to start stealing time to pursue your goals. If you REALLY want to do something, you will find the time, make the time, or steal the time. So if you are using the excuse of being too busy, too tired, or having no time, then you don’t really want whatever it is that you say you want. Time keeps passing, and you never get it back. That 5 min you carve out today, will likely lead to finding even more time tomorrow. Big change starts with a commitment and is followed by action.

Three years ago I wanted to improve my fitness and health. I always said I didn’t have time to workout. Well, eventually I committed to doing at least 30 min a day. It was a no excuses kind of commitment. I printed out a calendar for the entire year, and only got to highlight the day if I worked out for at least 30 min. It worked. I found the time because looking at a blank square reminded me that I had not met my commitment to myself that day.  There were days I got up at 4am to workout before a long work day. There are still days I work out after a big team dinner, as late as 11pm. I told myself, no excuses, and I stuck to it. I made the goal small enough, 30 min, so I could stick to it. Now, most days I exercise more than just 30 min, but I still never miss a day. I stole time. The small time commitment led to a lifestyle change, and that desire led to a passion, so I ended up making even more time for it.

This year my goal was to meditate at least 5 min a day, so I did the same thing. I made a calendar, and I haven’t missed a day yet. I started at 5 min, and now I actually enjoy it so much that I have found the time to meditate twice a day and sometimes up to 30 min at a time. More about the benefits of meditation in a future blog!! These small commitments lead to larger changes.

I always told myself that I had no time before making those commitments and holding myself accountable. Some days I grumbled and complained….. but the commitment was stronger than the sacrifice. I set a goal to post a blog every Tuesday. Work has been really crazy for me lately, but here I am, getting this done before I go to bed. Commitment leads to results. It’s just too easy to push what’s really important to you aside. I know everyone reading this likely spends time on social media and probably watching tv or movies every day. I know you have time. This world is full of single parents that have written books, put themselves through college, and started businesses. If they can find the time, so can you. A commitment will lead to change.

What is that goal you want to reach? Better health? Time to relax? Starting a project? Where can you steal the time? Can you take action first thing in the morning, so nothing gets done until you complete some action? For me, there is no social media browsing in the morning until after I meditate now. There is no going to bed until I close that Move circle on my Apple Watch and burn a certain number of calories. If I don’t get my blog done early, then I stay up late to finish it on Tuesday. I have made these commitments to myself, and they lead my action. What did I steal time from? I watch a lot less television and spend less time on social media. Sometimes I get less sleep, but I’ve actually found that I wake up earlier now and feel completely rested. I don’t even miss it. And what has been the result- fantastic health, more peace, and a greater connection to my purpose.

Take some time to see where you are spending your time. If you find that your time is spent numbing your mind, following the crowd, or doing things that don’t increase your vibration, then maybe it’s time to start stealing some of that time and commit to taking more positive action. Commit to a little action here, and a little action there, and see what changes you can create in your life. Need some help? I’m here to support you and help you create a plan of action. Time is on your side if you make a commitment to take action towards your goals.

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