This week was full of challenges for me- I shed a few tears, and now I’m excited to see what lies ahead.
Never let yourself stay down too long. I honor my emotions and allow the tears to flow when needed, but I always tell myself that challenges are only temporary. Within every challenge is an opportunity, this was not an easy lesson to learn. I still hate to have challenges show up in my life, but I know that I can’t focus on the struggle for too long. By shifting my focus and feeling grateful for the change that the challenge will bring, I am able to then look forward to something positive and start attracting more positivity into my life.
There are always going to be ups and downs and challenges and wins in life. Nobody’s life is a cake walk, and if it was, they’d probably get diabetes from eating all that cake! You have to have the lows to appreciate the highs. So this week was all about the lows for me. I’m generally on a high or at least an upward slope in life, so this week was a bit of a shock. One challenge would have been quickly overcome, but to have multiple challenges show up all at once caused me to shed a few tears and stop to take time to reflect and refocus.
If you stay stuck in the cycle of fear, upset, or anxiety, then that is exactly what you are going to be attracting more of into your life. I had three issues with two different cars within a week. Car problems are a trigger for me. I don’t know anything about cars except that I expect to turn the key and they take me to where I need to be. One week, $2000, one tow, one brand new tire replaced, one car borrowed, one flat filled, many thoughts of buying a new car, and a whole lot of anxiety later, I have decided that I do not have a curse upon me that causes a car issue to come up each time I drive. I was tempted to be afraid every time I turned that key or felt a bump in the road, but that’s no way to live. Then I had an extremely hurtful thing happen to me at work that in no way reflected my caliber of work, and I began to let the ignorance of others cause me to spiral into sadness and anger. Sadness and anger don’t feel good, and I don’t want any more of that in my life! So today I’m shifting all of my energy to uplifting others, knowing that what I give out will come right back to me.
Challenges can show up when you need to shift your focus. It’s easy to get caught adrift in life and day after day passes by with no real growth. A struggle, a challenge, a bump in the road gets your attention. It’s a little gift from the Universe to make you sit up and pay attention. It’s an opportunity to stop and think. Yeah, it can downright suck while you are in it, but learning to have faith that “this too shall pass” will help shift your life in the right direction.
Having the ability to sense when you have drifted off course and get back on track is a gift of enlightenment. I can look back at the big shifts in my life and see how each one was proceeded by a time of challenge. Right before I adopted my daughter I had one of the worst weeks of my life. There was a major weather catastrophe, I was caught in a flood, multiple animals on the farm died, and I was home alone that weekend. It’s a long and sad story and really left me feeling utterly defeated and broken, but two weeks later I traveled to Russia and became a mother. There have been times I’ve lost jobs only to have a far better one show up right away, or had a relationship end so I could go on to meet the love of my life. So shifting your thinking to find that cloud’s silver lining is always going to speed up the process of attracting something new into your life.
So I sit here grateful for the recent challenges, because I know they were just preparing me for a leap of energy to something better. Sometimes you have to tear out a wall so you can install a door. It’s time to shift that fear to focus and change the anxiety into positivity, because I’m not going to stay down for long. It gets better if you believe it will!
Can you find a time in your life when challenges were followed by growth and new opportunity? Can you be grateful for the lessons that past challenges have taught you? If you are currently struggling, can you start to shift that focus to excitement for what is to come?