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The Heavy Weight of Guilt

Writer's picture: Colleen AltschulColleen Altschul

How much weight are you carrying around on your shoulders? What guilt is pulling you down? Could this guilt be manifesting as actual extra weight on your body?

Guilt – Def. a feeling of having done wrong or failed in an obligation

Let’s start by noticing that guilt is a feeling. We’ve all experienced it in our lives. I’d fathom to guess there are at least a few things you are feeling guilty about right now! Mom guilt is major; every mom I know feels like they should be doing a better job raising their kids. Ironically, it’s usually the ones that feel the most guilt, that are actually doing the best job. Social media tends to increase our feelings of guilt because there is always that reminder of events and updates that you may have missed or people you haven’t connected with recently.

What happens if you throw guilt out the window? You do you. If you want to stay inside all weekend and binge Making a Murderer Part 2, go for it. If you didn’t cook your child an organic, farm fresh, perfectly balanced breakfast and gave them a pop tart instead, cool. Guilt is generally focused on the past. Something you didn’t do; something you did do. So you ate 3 pieces of birthday cake last night, if you carry that guilt to today and decide to just eat ore of it today, does that help? Or would you be better to recognize that might not have been the best choice yesterday, but today you can decide to make better health choices? You are making thousands of choices every day. Not all of them are going to be the right one, but when you carry that guilt around with you, it makes it harder to make the right choice, right now.

Are you carrying around family guilt, religious guilt, or societal guilt? Did you choose a profession that your parents didn’t like? Did you date someone your friends hated? Did you make choices in your past that you are ashamed of? Are these things still haunting you now? Are you wasting time worrying about things that happened at any moment except right now? If so, let it go. It’s ok to learn from you past. It’s ok to recognize that you have made mistakes. If you are carrying that feeling with you, then you are carrying that lower vibration around, and it is keeping you from reaching your fullest potential in this moment right now, the only moment that you can actually change.

I firmly believe that guilt can lead people to gaining weight. I’ve been there. You feel guilt about overeating or cheating a diet, so you give up the diet all together. You don’t go to the gym for months, so you feel too guilty to get up and go day after day after day. If you didn’t go yesterday, will it make today’s workout harder? Yep! But if you don’t go today, or tomorrow, or the next day, or the next month, will it make it more likely that you don’t go back for a year? Yes. Do you have the choice to change that right now and overcome the guilt and just lace up those shoes and get moving? Yes. If you messed up yesterday, it doesn’t mean you have to make that same mistake today. If you carry that feeling of failure into today, you are far more likely to stay on that same vibration of not making the best choice. That negative cycle goes around and around in your head, and true change in weight loss rarely comes from hatred. It’s in the moment you decide to love yourself exactly as you are that you will see the potential to be better and take action from love instead of fear, which is where the real, lasting change begins.

The only obligation you truly have is to accept that you are not perfect. You will never please all of the people all of the time. Holding on to the past, only holds you back from the present. With the holidays approaching, the possibility of guilt goes up. There might be events you miss, or choose not to attend – that’s ok. You might not buy your kids the gifts they just had to have – they’ll live. You don’t have to take part in giving a gift to every person you know just to try and make them happy. I stopped giving gifts years ago; I still have lots of friends. Maybe it’s time to be a little more selfish and stay true to you and give up guilt this year. Yeah, I know it’s not easy. Others who are carrying so much guilt they want to drag you down to their level might challenge you. Well, to be enlightened is to stay true to yourself and accept that the mistakes you have made in your past are not your present. Keep those vibrations up, and your present is sure to lead to an even better future!

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