What brings you joy? What lights you up? What are you an expert at? Do more of what you love. Yes, do more of what you love and share it with others.
When you are doing things you love, you are holding that higher vibration which radiates out to everyone around you. When you share that joy, that positivity, then others benefit from the positive example. Are you sharing your joy with others? Take a minute and review what you are posting and sharing on social media. Is it positive? Is it inspiring? Does it represent you passions, or your fears?
Also, take a minute to review where you are giving your attention. Is your social media feed full of people that raise your vibration? How much time are you giving to the drama queens, the social media whores, the divisive political ranters, the pointless gossip sites, or the limited thinking old friends or relatives? You are not required to give them your attention. There’s only so much time in each day, so fill it with joy!
Each of us is a force in the world; we are all a vibration that shapes the world around us. It’s easy to gain attention with negativity. We are wired to survive, so we are constantly on alert for threats. The reality is that we live in a world that is far more safe than any other time in history, yet we are still wired to be fearful. Overcome that quick fix of fear and focus more on the passions in your life. As we see more people around us in a vibration of love and joy, we will overcome our beliefs that the world is a fearful place. Be an example for others of the joy you wish to see in the world.
Love you kids? Share your great moments. Love your pets? Share their goofy moments. Love nature? Share pictures of your hikes. Love music? Crank it up and jam on out! Actively seek out joy. When you radiate love, the world gets a little bit better. Do things that make you smile. Start your day with something that raises your vibration. End your day on a positive note. Use social media to lift up the world. Someone out there needs to see that positivity that you are creating each day.
You are a force; be the change you wish to see in the world.